Churches, ministries, and individuals in Canada are actively reaching out with the Good News in Arabic, and depend on the Bibles4Egypt – Canada as their supplier of suitable materials. This project is specifically providing subsidy for the three most distributed items in outreach: our small sized ‘missionary editions’ of the Bible and NT, and Scripture Selections. Each year, special selections are prepared for Christmas and/or Easter, to address major current events, and to address specific needs of the youth.
Our regular pricing formula provides these Scriptures at a 20% discount on the retail price to reach the wholesale price. Special offers and subsidy is often made on top of this. Bibles4Egypt is the cheapest place to buy the Scriptures in Arabic. Because people realize that Bibles4Egypt products are sold below the real costs, they are encouraged to give donations in return. Both the NT and the Selections are often bought in bulk for distribution.